Tuesday, May 10

Google Music Beta Announced: It's Not a Hit, Yet.

     Google has announced a new feature today at the Google IO Conference, Google Music. It introduces cloud music service that enables its users to upload their music, download their music, share their music, and listen to their music all from Google. Working with record labels, Google has a library of over 20,000 songs for free that is available to people who are in the Google Music Beta group. If you don't have one right now, you can get your own at www.music.google.com.

     Yes, it sounds so exciting to hear that Google will be able to dominate the music industry..not really. Yes, it has perfected the cloud service that it has been talking about for over a year...nope. Google Music Beta is merely an introduction to what sounds like a great feature that may as well rival with Apple's iTunes business. But it is lacking the development and functionality that it claims to have, and it still has much to go, including accessibility to every device in the home, fast and painless streaming, and negotiating with every single record label company out there. If these were to be achieved, Google Music would have bright days ahead.

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