Wednesday, June 29

Google+ Beta Released

Google+, an attempt by Google to make its name into the social networking industry, has been released in its beta mode. Right now, it mimics features other social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace have on their services such as the like button (Plus One in Google+), notifications, and sharing of all kinds of media.

The hit feature called "Circles" is a new way of making specific groups of people. For example, if you wanted a group with only the females in your company, you would make that circle, and within that circle, you can share media and conversations exclusive to that group. You can add or remove contacts in the group, giving that feeling of high-school cliques and their exclusive system. Google will give you suggestions of contacts to add to your group based on algorithmic patterns, and you have the decision to add anyone you want. It's pretty neat but can also be used to shut others out..

The "Sparks" feature is another step from the RSS feed, where you can share what you like with your friends and Circles. Now that anything can be shared to anyone, Google+ will actually make a new impact on the social networking business. With your RSS feeds right on your social networking site, you can read your news and talk to your family and friends at the same time.
There is also "Hangout" feature lets you chat with more than one friend in a conversation mode. You can share stuff, send messages, and simply "hang out." These new features, never before fully integrated by other social networking sites, will surely be a hit to its users when it is released.

Now, the hard part is getting people to use this service. It's hard to imagine Google+ being a social networking site right now because of so little people using it, but Google aims to bring more users into this new service. It's a well-developed, smooth, and accessible to the average user, so it does have a shot. We will see in the near future.

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